
Do you ever feel stuck?


Depending on the situation, being stuck could be a good thing! Stuck in the mud, stuck in a rut, or stuck like a pig aren’t situations we want to find ourselves in. But for furniture or cabinet parts, we want those stuck in place!


To help with making things stuck, Craftsmen is proud to announce we are now a supplier of Helmitin glue products. We are still a supplier of Titebond products. We want to be able to offer more variety to our great customers. Helmitin has been in business for roughly 100 years and is also a great adhesive option for woodworkers.


Helmitin won’t be seen in Home Hardware or Lowes, so it may be an unfamiliar name to some. We look forward to the new relationship with Helmitin and look forward to offering more products to the Ontario market! By the way, we do also carry BladeCote and GlideCote, so your products and blades don’t get stuck!   

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Name: Sam Drake
Posts: 7
Last Post: December 10, 2024